Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Davema turned 50 & we got some perspective

They've both lived their lives in public service. They've saved many lives through direct action and policy. They would never think about it. When they get up in the morning they just go to work.

David's 50th at the Kabalah Center of Chicago

It was a rare experience to sort through shopping bags of someone elses life in pictures -
their individual recorded history really. This kind of review was usually reserved for the mortal end (memento mori). There is so much media now - so many camera's in life that a 50th birthday must be the best vantage for the SLIDE SHOW. Karen Adler asked me to distill the broth that is David Marder's vitae so ...

meet my friend David:

This is a great shirt with bad teeth.

Could Bar Mitzvah's encourage premarital sex?
But life is good and Davema thrived...
His luck increased and he took some time to celebrate

Julie - (JMB) - {Just More Beautiful....Every Day}

And Charlie (Charlene) Waters was there in my heart.

These two chicks stayed the night. Fabulous ..


In the freezing cold among the very white dead beauty of

Graceland Cemetery

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