Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Welcome to Rarenest!

It's amazing to think that the dancing baby is passe, over, a relic of a bygone virtual world. It was a symbol of a new and real ethos of computer aided design and it caught fire as an internet icon.

Blogs galore, now. I've been enjoying them as a "lurker" for awhile and I felt it was time for me to get on the superhighway.

So here I come, kicking and screaming into the 21st century.

I wonder what will replace blogs because I know as soon as I've grasped the fundamentals of this communication technology - everything will change again.

It was the same way with 8-track tape players (I still miss the ka-chunk as my Simon & Garfunkle cartridge changed sections).

And then I collected cassettes by the shoebox - mix tapes that represented hours by the record player waiting for the needle to drop.

And I was so proud to buy a new CD player a few years ago.

Now it's all Ipods.

I'm a conflicted luddite.

I really enjoy technology and what it can accomplish but I am very traditional in my artwork.

We'll see where this blogging takes us.

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